2024 is our chance for change
Sign the Vote Left Pledge
With elections coming we have an opportunity not just to punish this government, but to kick out both Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael for the first time in history.
Take the pledge to vote left: to never support Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and their hangers-on, and fight for a left government that stands up to the corporate landlords and for transformative ecosocialist change.
Pledge your vote
Invest in our parks
The government says we are going to have an ‘Outdoor Summer’. We could certainly do with a safe and enjoyable summer outside. But in our beautiful public parks in South Dublin County Council (SDCC), the bins are often overflowing, there’s few spaces to sit with your family or friends, and there’s very few toilets. They are suffering from under-investment over years - in facilities and staff to take care of them.
We need major investment in our parks to allow them to be used as quality public amenities for all - not the paltry €80,000 extra which was given by central government to SDCC in 2020. Please sign the petition to demand the following action in our parks:
- Increase the number of bins and ensure they are regularly emptied so they can be used, and have a full clean of our parks
- Provide accessible portable toilets immediately while permanent toilets are constructed
- Double the number of benches and picnic tables
- Double the number of park-rangers in South Dublin County Council from 14 to 28, to help create help create a safe, family friendly environment
- Install outdoor gym equipment
- Install water-fountains
- Install improved lighting
Another Ireland is Possible
End 100 years of FF/FG Rule
Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael have run Ireland for more than 100 years. The corporate landlords, private developers and big corporations have gotten rich, while many suffer.
Paul is the only candidate in Dublin South West who has pledged he will never vote for Micheal Martin or Simon Harris to be Taoiseach. People Before Profit is the only party to guarantee not to put FF/FG back in power.
We need to seize the opportunity to end the rule of FF/FG. We need a left government with socialist policies to put People Before Profit.
End the Housing Crisis
Build social and affordable homes with a state construction company
Tax Justice
Tax the rich & big corporations. Scrap the USC and Property Tax.
Climate & Biodiversity
Free & frequent public transport. No more data centres. Public ownership & democratic planning.
Solidarity with Palestine
Sanction & isolate Israel. Defend Irish neutrality: No more Israel weapons flights through Ireland. US military out of Shannon.
Stop cuts & privatisation. Invest in a single-tier NHS, including mental health services and GP care free at point of need.
Disability & additional needs.
Scrap the means test for Carers Allowance - pay carers a living wage. Invest in therapists to cut waiting times & ensure every school has special classes for children with additional needs.
Join Our Campaign Today!
Join the campaign to re-elect Paul Murphy TD and continue our fight for the housing, public services, and climate action we need.
Jessica Spear
Climate scientist / National Organiser for @RiseSocialists I @pb4p
| Eco-Socialist | Editor at @RuptureMag_ | I ❤️ Engels | https://t.co/glYGXm9ER0